My rights GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new digital privacy regulation being introduced on the 25th May, 2018. It standardizes a wide range of different privacy legislation’s across the EU into one central set of regulations that will protect users in all member states.

Right to data Portability

Individuals have a right to transfer their data from one service provider to another. And it must happen in a commonly used and machine readable format. You have the right to request a GDPR report with all of your personal informations stored on this shop.

Generate a excel file that contains all of your sensitive data.

Right to be Forgotten

Delete your account from the shop along with all of your personal data. All of your addresses, orders, and other informations will be lost.

Right to be Anonymous

Change your informations with fictive data. This way your identity is protected.

Right to be Informed

This covers any gathering of data by companies, and individuals must be informed before data is gathered.

Right to have information corrected

This ensures that individuals can have their data updated if it is out of date or incomplete or incorrect.

Right to restrict processing

Individuals can request that their data is not used for processing.

Right to object

This includes Right of individuals to stop the processing of their data for direct marketing.

Right to be Notified

If there has been a data breach which compromises a customer personal data, you have a right to be informed within 72 hours of having become aware of the breach.

Cookie Law

Almost all websites use cookies - little data files - to store information in peoples web browsers. Some websites contain hundreds of them.

Liste des cookies

Cookies fonctionnels
Ces cookies sont nécessaires pour le fonctionnement du site et ne peuvent pas être désactivés dans nos systèmes.
Cookies de performance et statistiques
Ils nous permettent de déterminer le nombre de visites et les sources du trafic sur notre site web, afin d'en mesurer, d'en améliorer les performances et évaluer la pertinence de nos contenus. Ces cookies ne collectent aucune information permettant de vous identifier - toute l'information collectée est anonyme.
Aucun de ces cookies n'est utilisé à des fins publicitaires.
Cookies non classés

Si vous pensez que vos droits en matière de protection de données n'est pas respecté, vous pouvez porter plainte auprès d'une autorité de surveillance.